Dreaming of you makes my night worth while. Thinking of you makes me Smile. Having you is the best thing ever and Loving you is what I plan to do forever.
255xlikes 44xdislikes
posted 13 years ago by Renate


Chiquitabonita 12 year ago  +5
I sent this too my boyfriend and the next day all he wanted to was hold me tight I love him and renate for writing this I love him.he said he wanted to marry me and that I'm amazing <3
Dr Hippo 12 year ago  +2
Thanks Renate, really cute!
funky 12 year ago  +1
it's really sweet, i love it and hope my partner will too x
LuceBree 13 year ago
Very cute, but why aren't there any yellow tags underneath this message?
ilesanmi babatunde 8 year ago
Nice quote
aviva-blue 9 year ago  -1
Oops this tickles my heart