You are the angel of my life, The one that make my temperature rise and makes heart beat faster, each and every time I think of you, I feel so relieved my love
169xlikes 37xdislikes
posted 9 years ago by love is good


Abubakar Liman 9 year ago  +1
Wow! Its so sweat and loving
vvek 9 year ago
kinju 9 year ago
You are the angel of my life, The one that make my temperature rise and makes heart beat faster, each and every time I think of you, I feel so relieved my love
Emmarentia 7 year ago
Beautiful words spesiale in every way
Don mighty 5 year ago
Nice quote
Ybenjamin 5 year ago
Yap its great
Desmond Godstime 174 days ago
You are the angel of my life, The one that make my temperature rise and makes heart beat faster, each and every time I think of you, I feel so relieved my ...
Desmond Godstime 174 days ago
Love this wonderful app
travis crochet 9 year ago  -1
I love u baby blow me a bubble
Nice word 9 year ago  -1
How so sweet you
vichu 9 year ago  -1
Reshma Love You by vichu...
Guest 9 year ago  -1
it's great