Ed4rmSouth-Africa 12 year ago +5
Father forgive the person that wrote that, they knoweth not true love, God be have mercy upon us.
Guest99 11 year ago +5
I really don't believe that a person can ever say this kinda words! It's disgusting, U Anti-Christ! There's no love which is greater than the love for Jesus, k..
justanotheruser 11 year ago +3
C'mon people, learn how to spell before you post. What you are saying makes sense, but the grammar makes you look like dummies*
abelene 11 year ago +3
u athiest god is goin to show u hpe u hve fun wen da wrath of god falls upon ur soul al da best u creep
shanna 11 year ago +3
Sorry for you but I LOVE Jesus more than anything or anyone!! Can't believe you just posted that... You know this site is not for retards so goodbye...
Beronica 11 year ago +2
"We all as believers"?! Uh please. Don't sit there and tell me who loves me or not, 'god' is NOT real. I don't need some fake god. All you believers have literally gone loopy! Get some help.
AAA 11 year ago +1
Hey wat u think wat u have write is great it sucks k n for u ,ul never find any1 who loves u more than jesus , thats a challenge...
Guest 11 year ago +1
I coudn`t believe that someone will posted this words....oh come on people..Learn about God words..JESUS LOVES YOU ..
Kelvin Jay 11 year ago +1
The love for Jesus is always for Jesus Jesus and it will never be change except for God our maker and i belie we were made for each other to live on earth, so let me tell you guys I have love all.
logical thinker 11 year ago +1
So what you're trying to tell me is that this guy with universal, unlimited, astronomical powers lets innocent children all over the world get raped, abandoned and starve?.....
Guest 11 year ago
remember always give god fist place in life. and v humans are nothing but his only creations .i would say d one who wrote dis iz dumb and has no fear or knowledge bout god
Mystery person 11 year ago
No one is dummies here, some people don't know as much as you do about Jesus and God, and no one will go to he'll if they say that. But I do believe there is no love greater than Jesus' love for us.
Kelvin Jay 11 year ago
We all as belivers should be discriminatiing any wonders that is comning from any man or woman of God because he said in his world that in the last days he will send his world in any form.
Guest 11 year ago
Dont play Jesus name... i`m so sad when i read this.......oh come on...JESUS is the reason why we are here in this world..He create don`t be like that .. ur such a stupid person.. God Loves you
god in my own self 11 year ago
10 out of 10 best text ever. All u people still a sleep wake up. We are all gods don't be fool. Some of you still living like its 18 -19 h its 2000+ wake up and see life for what it is.
Awaken 11 year ago
God doesn't exit, heaven is with in you & hell is out side your body, War, death, & suffering is hell. all religion was plan from day one by the elites to control the human race. knowledge is the key.
im God's child 11 year ago
always remember that GOD IS LOVE .. without HIM, you can't love and be loved ..
Bella Fredrick 11 year ago
It's just apiece of advise,p'se repent and never such @ any time again.Do U think there iz any son or daughter of man who can accept being coz of amear friend,sorry dia
Guest 11 year ago
never use the name of the Lord Your God in VAIN... this is clearly stated in the BIBLE
Kelvin Jay 11 year ago
People some times don't think hw they came on earth, & hw they exist within them self's. really if you think deeply u will never think of doing bad not
Guest 11 year ago
try reading the bible and look around at all the beautiful creations he made!!! are you on drugs!!!
Guest 11 year ago
This is insane! Jesus died for our sins just we can go to heaven. Love the Lord, thy God before anythingelse.Think first before doing something like this again.
Otto 11 year ago
Only one who truly knows GOD will never say such words. There's no greater love than Jesus Christ!
logical thinker 11 year ago
I have more love in my little toe.. You guys sound like brain dead idiots that are too stupid to make up your own decisions in life and hope that there's some higher being that can do it for you.....
caroline 11 year ago
How can you even say this? Oh my god!! Telling someone to love you more than god! People like this should not even exist.
PSALMFLAME 11 year ago
Nathanal 11 year ago
Leave the judgment to our Lord everyone. If this person does not really see the true one and only love there is then ,"It is our job to treat them as a tax collector", Quoted Lord Jesus.
Mark 11 year ago
Stop commenting if you have judging words people. Its no mans place to call names and insult one another. Do you really think this is what God wants? NO IT IS NOT!! Open your eyes!!
guest 12343 11 year ago
People might be reading this wrong. I think they are asking someone to love them more than Jesus loves them. Which, evidently, is a lot. I'm atheist, so I don't know if that changes any ones views.
ogboaloh 11 year ago
how can you tell a guy to love you more than our lord Jesus who died for you.
dj massive 10 year ago
I love my god more than anything in the world... I don't compare hime, he is bigger than the biggest.
😂😂😂😂 10 year ago
Omg look at all them people hating... Like they taking this for real.. It is a joke. You all needa chill out lol
Michelle 10 year ago
Oh my God, please have mercy on the person that posted this shit! What do u mean!? The Lord Jesus had for us is unimaginable, or else, all of us would have died..
brojomolsom 10 year ago
Let God forgive one will love you more than how much jesus love you.
oupa makume 10 year ago
Think before you write,lets hope you didn't think that deep before you write this
faeeq (eqiboy) 10 year ago
Lol I jst love the way people are insuliting this post but can't even f**king spell 2 save their lives
paul miles michael 10 year ago
I thnk mst of u pple did wrng by insltin him, coz J Christ didnt came 4 dos who already fond d lyt bt2 bring out doz stil in d dark 2 PRAY 4 HIM for he doesnt knw what hez sayin n doing.
Allan 10 year ago
You are a moron for saying love me more than jesus and it isn't funny if you think it is
atheist 10 year ago
I'm completely alright with this because I don't believe in God and to All those who do keep your crap off this site and stop being haters did you ever consider if he believes or not retards
vito 9 year ago
I love Jesus morethan anyone, even though Im a sinner, I have flaws and mistake but saying like that to a person that he/she should love you morethan Jesus is really wrong.. Ask Jesus to forgive you
Jeo 9 year ago
If I am a lady and you said this to me, I will spit at your face and hate you forever
brighton 9 year ago
no!! this not right. That will be idolatry. You can't love someone more than you do to jesus
Faith 9 year ago
There's no greater love than the love of my lover Jesus Christ. Whoever wrote this poem I pray you have a feel of what the love of Christ feels like, only then you will know none passes His.
Kirsten 9 year ago
Hey, everybody. This is to my fellow believers in Jesus: we are better than this. Pray for nonbelievers, do not curse them. And for the nonbelievers, there is a God who loves you. I would know...
job wema 8 year ago
you are a great full!!!!....dont you see christ's love is greater than everything ?.REPANTE
None of bussinesv 12 year ago -1
Are u catholic cuz if u ur boy u are going to he'll it's in the bible that u should love nothing more than Jesus Christ dummy have fun when ur dead
guest 1000000000 12 year ago -1
wat i wouldnt want any one 2 love me more than god cum on tink b4 u post tings dumb bell
Guest 12 year ago -1
What does being Catholic have to do with anything? I am Catholic and I believe in Jesus and God as much as any Christian or people of other religions. We don't believe any less.
Annie 11 year ago -1
I like this... Oh and fyi- there is no god. It has been proven that the catholic/christian/whatever religion was based on Egyptian writings which are 1000+ years older :-)
Guest 51 11 year ago -1
I pray you find God, there is no greater love then him, he will show a whole new kind of love in your life
Lucy 11 year ago -1
You shouldnt love anyone more that God and if you do you obviously don't know the lord and savior Jesus Christ !!!
Gods measenger 11 year ago -1
My God bless you and open your eyes before he comes because there is little time left, be blessed and let God live threw us because there is little time left....
Karen 11 year ago -1
I don't think this the right saying to say to anybody, because No One I mean No One can love you more that Jesus his self. ..