If I had to choose between you or the world, I would choose you in a heartbeat because if I have you, you would be my world.
287xlikes 41xdislikes
posted 12 years ago by Baby cakes


christina corodova 12 year ago  +5
I had to choose between you or the world, I would choose you in a heartbeat because if i have you, you would be my world
BaByGirl 11 year ago  +2
awh! thats adorable i just sent that to my boyfriend and he said his heart skipped a beat, then melted!
maddyluvsu 12 year ago
so sweet :,)
denkins10 12 year ago
blind of love so sweet like sugar
Guest 11 year ago
nice dear. .
kashadinal makeover 11 year ago
Nice 1 just sent to be boyfrd n he said his hrt beats too for me
selena23 11 year ago
I told my boyfriend this cute qoute an he started blushing awww its so cute
MAXWELL 6 year ago
Nice and beautiful
heather 11 year ago  -1
I tild my boyfriend that and he said his heartbeat skips a beat for me too