If you let me, I'll write about our love without an ending so you can read it for a lifetime. Each word can make you smile, and every day you'll inspire me to write
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posted 12 years ago by Jfaustino


JFaustino 12 year ago  +1
Let me star by saying.I'm gong to write a book about our love story with no ending so you can continue reading it for the rest of our life together"
JFaustino 12 year ago  +1
"So every word on every page can put a smile on your face, and evry day you will inspire me to continue writing our love story together... JFaustino.. Happy Valentine's day Mi VIda
JFaustino 12 year ago  +1
Every day the inspiration to write about our love becomes my biggest obsession, to see smile on every word I write is my the greatest reward,
textyourlove 12 year ago
Edit: combined and shortened JFaustino's two submissions (see comments) into one submission.
Guest 12 year ago
Love it
LOVE..I want to hold you close to me and feel our hearts beat as one ...forever...